Satsang America, Inc.
111-17 Sutphin Blvd
Jamaica, New York 11435 646-344-9447
Satsang America, Inc.
111-17 Sutphin Blvd
Jamaica, New York 11435 646-344-9447
Various Institutions of Satsang
Sree Sree Thakur’s innovative and independent thinking on the why’s and how’s of various natural phenomena and his inborn inquisitiveness found a thoroughfare for expression when men of science like K. P. Bhattacharya came to stay permanently in his company. Viswa Vigyan Kendra (World Science Centre) came up where researches began with great enthusiasm. From the urge to air the views of Sree Sree Thakur and his Satsang on different aspects of life, problems plaguing man’s personal and public life, his politics and science, his society and industry—the perennial and day-to-day problems— and from the urge to preserve and protect the invaluable, easily understandable, enlightening, clear, unambiguous solutions offered by Sree Sree Thakur to these problems so that the humanity at large and the future generations might be benefited by them, were born Satsang Press and Satsang Publishing House. The works of the press were mainly run by the women of the ashram. The Publishing House has brought out innumerable books on the life and sayings of Sree Sree Thakur maintaining amazing authenticity which includes fresh releases and re-editions of previously published volumes with better, innovative and handy get-up. Satsang brings out five magazines every month, namely ‘Alochana’ in Bengali, ‘Urjana’ in Oriya, ‘Ligate’ in English meant chiefly for the English reading public, ‘Sattwati’ in Hindi and ‘Agamvani’ in Assamese.
People suffering from different kinds of diseases—many of which acute and chronic—would regularly come to Sree Sree Thakur, often as the last ray of hope for relief and cure. And he came out with indigenous medicinal solutions based on herbs, often rare, that worked wonderfully on them. He would sometimes ask one of his devotees adept in the matter to work on the formulae given by him and prepare medicines. Satsang Chemical Works and later, Rashaishana Mandir were the outcomes of the urge born out of the necessity to permanently preserve those formulae and systematically manufacture in larger quantities those extremely efficacious medicines with proven results to cater to people at an easily affordable price.
As in the early days all the works of the Ashram starting from digging soil, burning bricks to making wooden furniture and windows were done by the disciples of Sree Sree Thakur themselves as he wanted them to learn every technique, every sort of work and stand on their own feet, Satsang Carpentry, Satsang Garage and centers like this came up in course of time to cope up with the demand of the situation and time.
Satsang Tapovan Vidyalay started functioning in Himaitpur, Pabna, from the educational need of the sons of the disciples of Sree Sree Thakur who started living with him at the Ashram. For girls and even for adult illiterate women most of whom were mothers and housewives staying in the Ashram and nearby, the operations of Matri Vidyalaya began, with almost no infrastructure in today’s standards. In these institutions teaching and learning started and continued in keeping with Sree Sree Thakur’s views on education. Next Page>>>
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