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Satsang America

Satsang America is committed to maintaining strong protections for it's members and users. We believe in building and maintaining trust, mitigating risk and simply doing what is right.

Satsang America , Inc. and its future subsidiaries are committed to protecting your privacy and providing you with a positive experience on our websites and in using our products and services.

This Privacy Statement applies to Satsang America website ( its  Solutions that this Statement and describes how we handle personal information and the choices available to you regarding collection, use, access, and how to update and correct your personal information. Additional information on our personal information practices may be provided in , supplemental privacy statements, or notices provided prior to or at the time of data collection.

Collection of Personal Information

We may collect data, including personal information, about users as they use our websites and Solutions and interact with us. "Personal information" is any  information that can be used to identify an individual, and may include name, address, email address, phone number, login information (account number, password), payment card for example credit card , debit card and bank account details .

We collect personal information for a below reasons (not leasted to), :

  • Processing voluntary oblations (Istavrity and Istarghya) and donations , including payment transactions.
  • Providing or sharing invitations and other Satsang America publication and information.
  • Creating an web account for logging in.
  • Enabling the use of   web features .
  • Personalizing user experience such as publishing photographs, audio, videos and performances (solo, group, processions )

Uses of Personal Information

We use personal information and payment card information for transaction processing Personalizing websites, newsletters and other communications.

Access to and Accuracy of Personal Information

We obtain member(s) consent  in keeping  required personal information accurate and up to date. We provide a number of options to access, update, restrict, or delete  personal information:

Member(s) can view or edit personal information and preferences online at

Satsang America entities may act as or be considered "data controllers". When a Satsang America entity is acting as a data controller, member(s)may exercise the rights to access and request for update, restriction , or deactivation under applicable data protection provisions and policies of Satsang America directly with that Satsang America entity as described in Satsang America by-laws.

Member(s) need additional assistance, or help with accessing, updating, restricting, or deleting  personal information, can be contacted. We make good faith efforts to process reasonable requests to access, update, restrict, or delete the data. We may respond to  request within 30 days. ( Note - If any request cannot be processed , a reasonable explanation may be provided to the member(s) .)

Security of  Personal Information

We intend to protect the personal information entrusted to us and treat it securely in accordance with the Privacy Statement. 

We also contractually require that our suppliers protect such information from unauthorized access, use, and disclosure. The Internet, however, cannot be guaranteed to be 100% secure, and we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any personal information provide to us.

Retention of Personal Information

We may retain personal information as needed to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected. We may retain and use your personal information as necessary to comply with our business requirements, legal obligations, resolve disputes, protect our assets, and enforce our agreements.


All payments (oblations and donations ) and applicable  surcharges received by Satsang America are voluntary in nature. Thus,  NO pricing policy is associated with Satsang America.  

Refund or Cancellation

All payments (oblations and donations ) and  applicable surcharges are voluntary in nature and final. Thus,  NO refund or cancellations policies are applicable to  Satsang America.  No claims can be processed.

Use of Cookies and other Web Technologies

Like many websites, Satsang America may use automatic data collection tools, such as cookies, embedded web links., They may also collect information about:

Some web browsers may give you the ability to enable a "do not track" feature that sends signals to the websites you visit, indicating that you do not want your online activities tracked. This is different from blocking or deleting cookies, as browsers with a "do not track" feature enabled may still accept cookies.

Linked Websites

We may provide links to other third-party websites and services that are outside our control and not covered by this Privacy Statement. We encourage you to review the privacy statements posted on those websites (and all websites) you visit.

Forums and Chat Rooms

If a member participate in discussion forum, local communities, or chat room on Satsang America website (  member should be aware that the information he or she provides  (i.e. personal public profile) will be made broadly available to others, and could be used to contact individuals, send member(s) unsolicited messages, or for purposes neither Satsang America nor member(s) have control over. Moreover individual forums and chat rooms may have additional rules and conditions. Satsang America is not responsible for the personal information or any other information member(s) choose to submit in these forums.

How to Contact Us

Satsang America value yours opinions. Should you have questions or comments related to this Privacy Statement please contact us @ Contact Us.

Updates to this Satsang America Privacy Statement

We may update this Privacy Statement from time to time. If we modify our Privacy Statement, we will post the revised version here, with an updated revision date. Member(s) agree to visit these pages periodically to be aware of and review any such revisions. If we make material changes to our Privacy Statement, we may also notify members by other means prior to the changes taking effect, such as by posting a notice on our websites or sending you a notification. By continuing to use our website after such revisions are in effect, you accept and agree to the revisions and to abide by them.


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