Satsang America, Inc.
111-17 Sutphin Blvd
Jamaica, New York 11435 646-344-9447
Satsang America, Inc.
111-17 Sutphin Blvd
Jamaica, New York 11435 646-344-9447
The Magical Physician
After his return home closing the Kolkata chapter of his life he began practicing among the village folk. Within a few months this young physician’s astounding diagnostic ability coupled with almost miraculous curing skills and sincere loving dealing with his patients made him extremely popular among the masses. Medicine worked wonders at his hands. His insightful treatment in consort with inquisitive and loving service worked like magic. He could not breathe a sigh of relief until his patients felt better. He earned a lot of money in those days much of which was spent in buying medicines and as monetary help to his poor patients. His name and fame spread like wild-fire far and near. He became such an embodiment of relief that patients often felt better at the very sight of him. As he habitually searched deeper into the cause of the diseases, he discovered that at the bottom of man’s physical diseases lay a diseased mind, his passion-tainted habits and way of life. Without treating the roots, it was futile striving to cure the mere physical ailments.
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