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Joy Guru It’s my great pleasure to invite you to attend our Satsang Event at Satsang Center (Thakur Bari) on Saturday, June 24th, 2017 at 7 PM @ 111 - 17 Sutphin Blvd, Jamaica, NY 11435 with all of your family members and friends. Dr. Bhaskar Chakraborty, MD, (SPR from 1970 ) New Delhi, India will attend the event with his wife who is now on a personal tour to the USA for approx. 2 months. Dr. Bhaskar Chakraborty is a reputed Cardiologist at New Delhi & was retired from V.M. Medical College and SafdarJang Hospital a few years ago. His father-in-law, Barrister Gyanendu Bikash Goswami served as a Secretary of Satsang Deoghar from 1954 -1970. PLS mark the date in your calendar. Joy Guru. Dulal Bhattacharjee, 87- 81 118th Street, Richmond Hill, NY 11418 718-696-7675 Cell

Evening Satsang NY (Jun 24, 2017)

Joy Guru,

It’s my great pleasure to invite you to attend our Satsang Event at Satsang Center (Thakur Bari) on Saturday, June 24th, 2017 at 7 PM @ 111 - 17 Sutphin Blvd, Jamaica, NY 11435 with all of your family members and friends. Dr. Bhaskar Chakraborty, MD, (SPR from 1970 ) New Delhi, India will attend the event with his wife who is now on a personal tour to the USA for approx. 2 months. Dr. Bhaskar Chakraborty is a reputed Cardiologist at New Delhi & was retired from V.M. Medical College and SafdarJang Hospital a few years ago. His father-in-law, Barrister Gyanendu Bikash Goswami served as a Secretary of Satsang Deoghar from 1954 -1970. PLS mark the date in your calendar.

Joy Guru. 

Dulal Bhattacharjee,

87- 81 118th Street, Richmond Hill, NY 11418



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