Satsang America, Inc.
111-17 Sutphin Blvd
Jamaica, New York 11435 646-344-9447
Satsang America, Inc.
111-17 Sutphin Blvd
Jamaica, New York 11435 646-344-9447
Charitable Activities
Satsang extends financial assistance to the Prime Minister’s relief fund and other state governments during flood and other natural disasters. Its Pradhan Acharya personally offers assistance with money and means to those who are in distress.
Assam Chief Minister Sri Tarun Gogai (left) on 27 th Sept.2014 is receiving a check of 10 lakh
Rupees from Satsang Asst. Secretary Shivananda Prasad as an aid for the devastating flood relief.
Satsang now has hundreds of its centres in the form of Mandirs and Vihars spread all over India and Bangladesh. These centres operate almost independently in their day-to-day financial and administrative affairs remaining very much emotionally tied, tuned and connected with the heart at Satsang, Deoghar. The centres have become the centres of life and moral shelter for people of the localities where they are situated.
Satsang food kitchen at Deoghar serves millions every year
Plans are afoot to construct a two-hundred bed state-of-the art hospital replete with sophisticated equipments to cater to the needs of patients from adjoining areas who have to travel far to avail of better treatment facilities.
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