Satsang America, Inc.
111-17 Sutphin Blvd
Jamaica, New York 11435 646-344-9447
Satsang America, Inc.
111-17 Sutphin Blvd
Jamaica, New York 11435 646-344-9447
Date: May 01, 2020
Dear Brothers and Mothers,
Option 1 (Online Transfer)
Step 1: Use the link to login and transfer oblation online via Credit Card, Debit Card, ACH trasfer, Pay Pal ( Send Istavrity ) and Zelle Transer using Email id- Detailed instructions are captured here.
Option 2 (Check Deposit)
Step 1: Use the Istarghya Deposit Form to take a print out and fill the details.
Step 2: Write a Cheque payable to "SATSANG AMERICA” and please mention ’Istavrity’ in the memo.
Step 3: Please send the filled Istarghya deposit form and Cheuqe together by post to this below address.
Please ensure you are receiving your receipts (ARGHYA-PRASWASTI) within 2 weeks of remittance, if not please email us - at the earliest.
NOTE: All your remittances are Tax exempted, receipts can be used for tax claim while filing TAX.
Receipt will be sent after the checks has been cleared from your bank.
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